Hotel Mercurio

Elegantia, dignitas et innovatio. Se fossimo stati in epoca romana il dio Mercurio avrebbe descritto con queste tre parole le virtù del suo hotel. Più di 2000 anni dopo la nostra brand identity vuole trasmettere esattamente gli stessi valori.

Anno: 2021
Graphic Design / Logo design / Branding
HBProduction - Hotel Mercurio
HBProduction - Hotel Mercurio
HBProduction - Hotel Mercurio
HBProduction - Hotel Mercurio
HBProduction - Hotel Mercurio


HB production is a versatile graphic design and communication studio. our team is formed of young creative minds with diverse and ambitious approaches to the world of graphic design and communication. We provide a motivated and dynamic team to incorporate their skills at each stage of the branding process. Promoting individual capacity as well as studios profile, prioritising a high-end graphic style.

Via dei Reti, 60
00186 - Roma